Sign-up Area for Platform Tennis

Please note that PTZ sign-up is restricted to COPTA captains.

Please provide an email address that is the best to use for platform tennis. It may or may not be your work email address. The same email address cannot be used for two different platform tennis players.

Please note that it is not a safe security practice to use the same password for this web site as you use for your other accounts, such as Twitter, email, bank accounts, U.S. nuclear launch codes, etc. so please do not do this.

To complete the registration process, please quickly respond to the email that will soon be sent to you. The authorization process is a manual process. You will be notified when the process is completed.

If you forget your password, please do not sign-up for a new account. You can obtain a new password by clicking on the link on the Platform Tennis Home page or by clicking on this, Forget Password?, link. Note that passwords are stored encrypted on PTZ so it is not possible to "look-up" your password.

Please leave a message in the Feedback area if you have any questions.

A value is required.
Best Email to Use for Platform Tennis (i.e. A value is required.
Password (Use at least eight characters): A value is required.
First Name: A value is required.
Middle Initial (optional):
Last Name: A value is required.
Best Telephone Number for Platform Tennis (i.e. 614-123-1234): A value is required.
Spam Blocker Question: What does 6 divided by three equal? A value is required.